Thursday 29 May 2008

The final Product...............

Here is a video to accompany the fake Myspace account i created. i decided to make this video in this style, in order to almost promote making a "New Online Identity", not because I see it as being a good thing to do, but to demonstrate that this is an easy thing to do, that anyone could achieve if they wanted to.


The Internet is a device that can be used to talk to anyone across the world. This can be done in a whole manner of ways, including, instant messaging, Skype, E-mail, through Blogs, such as this one, and through websites like Facebook and Myspace. But not everyone on the Internet are always exactly who they say they are. Online you can create a whole new identity, telling people exactly what you want to about yourself, giving you the option to completely re-invent yourself, giving you the opportunity to change your age, where you live what you look like and even your gender. For my final project, i shall be investigating how easy it is to assume a new identity, which is totally different to my own. To do this i shall be using networking sites, such as Facebook and Myspace, to invent fictional characters. By doing this i hope to demonstrate how easily this can be done, and how people online should not always be taken on face value, as you can never be 100% certain who you are talking to!

Wednesday 28 May 2008

What is Performance Anyway??

Is a performance simply something you go to see for enjoyment, or is it more than that??

The word performance can cover so many things, from a full theatre production, to a lecture, to a conversation with your friend. Even creating a Facebook account could be considered to be a form of performance. When I hear the word performance, usually I think of something that has had a lot of time and thought invested into it, and has been created with the intention of entertaining or informing. Actually, the words meaning can be interpreted as being far broader than that; it could be your performance at work, or to perform an act of kindness.

The following is a dictionary definition, taken from of the word 'performance':

1. a musical, dramatic, or other entertainment presented before an audience.
2. the act of performing a ceremony, play, piece of music, etc.
3. the execution or accomplishment of work, acts, feats, etc.
4. a particular action, deed, or proceeding.
5. an action or proceeding of an unusual or spectacular kind: His temper tantrum was quite a performance.
6. the act of performing.

7.the manner in which or the efficiency with which something reacts or fulfills its intended purpose.

From these different definitions, it is clear to see what a broad spectrum this word encompasses.

Tuesday 27 May 2008


So this is my first ever blog, the contents of which is going towards my Drama degree, for the module entitled 'Virtuality and Performance'. On this blog, i shall be questioning what performance is, and thinking about what should be validated as pieces of performance?